Body Attack Random Combo Stuck


New member
I add combo animation for body attack, and find out that sometimes it stuck. Then I observe demo scene, and find out sequence working, but random got stuck. Take a look here

I'm not yet explore deeper, will do later. Is there any settings need to do before play ?
If can give me clue which part on animator or code to check will be appreciated.
Looks like this is a possible bug, thanks for bringing it up! Will pass this on to Justin.

This is actually happening because the demo animator is set up to go through the animations in sequence, so you'd need to modify the animator so that it's not restricted to a predictable, pre-defined sequence.
@Andrew can you explain more explicit, what should I do to get random combo attack ? I'm just guessing what you mean is I should remove every transitions in animator for Body in Full Body layer between combo animations (substateindex), and let animator go to animation from `Any State` node ?

Is that mean that settings Random or Sequence for combo will depend on how animator setup ?
@Justin I tested using demo from Third Person Controller 2.2.7 on fresh project in Unity 2019.4.17f1 and no other assets imported. Also I'm not modify anything on the demo. I saw the Body sub state machine already setup correctly, every animations have transitions to each other on UpperBody Layer and Full Body Layer. CMIIW.

For now I use sequence, but if I can use random combo attack, it would be better.


All the transitions do exist, although I'm not sure if the transition durations etc are set up to support going from any state to any other state at random. You could watch the ItemSubstateIndex parameter during the attack combo and see what value/s it gets stuck going from/to, then you can take a look at the relevant transitions for those values.

The documentation page for Melee Weapon also has quite a lot of info on the combo system in case it's useful: