Behavior Manager Tick Interval Can't not be modified?


New member
Hi! Dear devloper. I met an issue that if I add a Behavior Manager component in my NPC prefab, the component is constantly set to inactive. And everytime I enter the play mode, the tick interval is reset to 0? Is this because that I haven't import the runtime source code to my project?1686899839327.jpeg
There should only be one Behavior Manager in your scene. This is a singleton component and it will cause unexpected results if there is one on each prefab. You should instead add the Behavior Manager to a new GameObject within your scene.
There should only be one Behavior Manager in your scene. This is a singleton component and it will cause unexpected results if there is one on each prefab. You should instead add the Behavior Manager to a new GameObject within your scene.
Thanks, I fixed it. However, the toggle on the Behavior Manager Component still can't be checked? Is that normal?
Yes, with Specify Seconds it is. Your behavior trees will still execute at the specified amount of time.