BD + UCC Bugs


Hello @Justin Sir ❤️
Sir, I have found bugs with Behavior designer and i am still exploring it more..

1) There is a bug in Can Hear Object Task, It didn't worked even in the demo scene of the movement pack integration
2) I tried quick wander task on a character created with UCC and then wander task added by BD, so it moved once and then it stopped permanently, it didnt wander as it should.
3) I also found a bug in BD+UCC demo scene that because of can see object task, the Agent was continuously walking into the wall where player was standing, instead of taking long route it kept walking towards the wall in the direction of the Player
1) There is a bug in Can Hear Object Task, It didn't worked even in the demo scene of the movement pack integration
This fix is still required:

2) I tried quick wander task on a character created with UCC and then wander task added by BD, so it moved once and then it stopped permanently, it didnt wander as it should.
My guess is that it relates to your NavMeshAgent stopping distance. If it's at zero try to increase it.

3) I also found a bug in BD+UCC demo scene that because of can see object task, the Agent was continuously walking into the wall where player was standing, instead of taking long route it kept walking towards the wall in the direction of the Player
Can you post a screenshot of the navmesh agent path that the agent should be taking?
Thanks. For the wander task are you testing it in the UCC demo scene? By default the wander distance is too large for that scene so you should reduce the distance that it checks for a new target.

With can see you will need to select Rotate Towards Look Source on the Aim ability. I'll add in some code so it will do this automatically if the NavMeshAgentMovement ability is active.
@Justin Sir found issue for wander, as u told, it's that the default values are not correct for the character,
After making certain changes in the values it worked fine.

Sir, if we are using melee AI then this issue won't occur right? the can see object issue.. As for melee AI we don't need aiming ability

Sir Can Hear Object (Not working at all even after code change)
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Glad you made progress. I haven't looked at the Can Hear Object issue in awhile but have it on my list.

if we are using melee AI then this issue won't occur right? the can see object issue.. As for melee AI we don't need aiming ability
Melee will still aim by default, but if you don't add the Aim ability then it's not necessary.
@Justin Okay Sir
Thank you Sir ❤️

I really hope Sir that you take a look at Can Hear Object issue soon, I might need to use it really soon, Finishing few games now really soon ❤️