Arms acceleration and displacement when jumping


New member
Hi hope you're doing well :)

I downloaded a model from Mixamo, separated the arms with FBS mesh tool and then assembled my first person. I positioned the arms in such a way that they are perfectly placed when holding the gun using the position spring on the weapon.

When my character jumps, the arms are travelling a greater distance than the body (and I think they are rotating a bit as well), which results in the part being visible where they are cut off from the body. I tried and failed to find the parameter that lets me adjust that the arms aren't accelerating faster and further than the rest of the character. Any help is appreciated :) Thank you so much

Are you using the correct animator controller for your first person arms? E.g. in the demo, the base character uses the "Demo" controller, whilst the first person arms uses "FirstPersonArmsDemo". Also have you tried checking your item's position spring values? (Try comparing them to the demo's assault rifle)
Are you using the correct animator controller for your first person arms? E.g. in the demo, the base character uses the "Demo" controller, whilst the first person arms uses "FirstPersonArmsDemo". Also have you tried checking your item's position spring values? (Try comparing them to the demo's assault rifle)
Hi Andrew thank you so much for your ongoing help. At first, I used the FirstPersonArmsDemo controller but then the Hands did not even animate into the correct shape for a rifle (see picture below). When searching for a solution, I came across this post and believed it to be the same issue. Hence, I tried the FirstPersonControllerDemo as well as the UltimateCharacterControllerDemo instead. Only with the FirstPersonControllerDemo the arms got animated into their correct position to hold a rifle, but with the problem that when jumping, they travel up way too far as shown in the video.


I have not been able to copy/paste the values from Nolan's demo scene for the spring position, because my arms are placed much further up. In your tutorial about the FPS Mesh tool you have the same situation though and we both just used a Position Spring - Position Offset value of -1.5 which put them into perfect location. But when jumping, they travel too far up.


I only own the FirstPersonController, not UCCD. I don't know if the set-up between the 2 product is different, but basically I just used FPS Mesh tool to create the arms as a new original prefab and then created the character as a new original prefab as well. Then I use these 2 prefabs to create the Opsive character using the same process that I've learned to do with the built-in Nolan. When creating the character I tried with and without the ragdoll box ticked, but either way it's the same result. I used my character's hair and body mesh as third person objects that are hidden in first person. Because I don't have UCCD, I cannot add the FPSUCCD Material Controller script. I have however tried to add the "FPS Material Controller" script and added the arms under Ignore Renderers On, but is hasn't changed anything in regards to the issue I'm experiencing.
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I sort of managed by changing the X and Z coordinates of the Position Offset as well, which I hadn't done before, but it still feels like the gun travels a bit more than when using Nolan. Also I have the issue when I press "T" to stow the weapon away, the arms fly all over the screen instead of just lowering the weapon like with Nolan. I did set up the Position Exit Offset correctly though.


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For this I would adjust the Position on the First Person Object component. This will affect the entire set of child objects.