Applying damage with ranged weapons.


New member

I am using Unity 2018.3 and with UFPS2, I have completed the the basic first person shooter setups Scene, project, Character, Items etc. I have configured the surface manager as required. The problem I am having is that when the assault weapon fires, it does not show the damage effects, I using the basic ray-cast to cause the collision detection so that the surface effects and damage routine should run. I set the surface identifiers on all targets and surfaces and terrain surface sounds work fine when character walks on them.

Can some one please tell me where the scripts are that will make the combat system work? I can not find it the setup process for this in the manual?

Thanks for the assist
This relates to the surface manager and I plan on creating a video for it to help. Until then there is this documentation but it sounds like you've already seen it?

For a specific bullet effect you'll want to make sure you've:

- Created a Surface Impact for that bullet and assigned it to the Shootable Weapon.
- Created a Surface Type for the object that the bullet hits
- Created a Surface Effect that maps the Surface Impact to the Surface Type

In the demo scene we have a generic fallback surface type setup and you can set this on the actual Surface Manager component.