Animation Presets


New member
I can't find the information in your videos (I watched them all) or your documentation. All I want to do is use the different swing animations at different speeds depending on the melee weapon you have equipped. So a sword would be slower than say a dagger. Is there a profile for animation speeds or do you have to edit the speed on the controller itself? Obviously, I am trying to avoid doing the latter. I would rather use your handy profile system but I can't find it. I messed with IK profiles but I don't think that's right... (It wasn't really clear what the "hand weight" was in the video or what it does.)
Is this for third person or first person?

For third person you'll want to adjust the actual animation speed in the animator controller for each weapon. For first person this can be adjusted with the animation, but depending on the movement you may also want to adjust the spring.
Ah ok... I was afraid of that for either perspective as this is a game that you will be able to switch between both perspectives. I may have to write a system to manage this then. Are there any plans on your side to implement something that would handle this use case or is that a bit out of bounds of the controllers you made?
Currently there aren't any plans - for this what I would actually recommend doing is to author your animations at the desired speed so then you won't need to mess with the animator (of course changing the animator works as well!)
Yeah for sure (on authoring the animations at the speed you want) this is more to change your animations and any that I may get from the asset store. In either case I wouldn't be able to author them at the speeds I want and would have to rely on speeding up the animation controller.