Alternate Mesh and Materials for Nolan Demo Character


Hi, I was wondering if anyone has created alternate meshes and materials to attach to the demo's Nolan character. I'm thinking that this would be the easiest way to continue using the animations included in the demo, but with a different looking humanoid character.

Are these assets that I could find on the Asset Store, or is the Nolan setup too specific to swap out some other humanoid assets? It seems like the separate meshes for "Body", "Armor", "Helmet", etc. could be problematic for this approach, but I'm not well versed in this area, so I don't know what's possible exactly.

I've been looking at the Tafi character assets, but these don't appear to be something I could easily swap out on Nolan. If the approach of swapping meshes and materials doesn't work out, is there still a way to use the demo animations with a different humanoid character asset? I plan on using the first person perspective. I'm guess that using an entirely different character asset in order to change the character's appearance would be a lot of work, and I'd have to learn quite a bit about animation and rigging. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

For the third person character you can basically use any humanoid mesh/rig, as Unity allows bone retargeting. In this case you can easily reuse the demo animations. For first person arms this won't work as they use a generic rig, and Unity does not allow retargeting bones for this rig type. So you have to create/buy animations for any other first person arms asset.
The other option is to use the FPS mesh tool to create first person arms from humanoid characters. Then you can use the third person animations for these arms.