Altering Pun 2 addon to work with Netcode for game objects.


Hi I was just wondering if this would be achievable. I have UCC V3 and would like to use Netcode for game objects with my game. I'm able to create the lobbies and the players can join the game and the player spawns etc. So on a base level it's working. However certain things like player input and some weird IK stuff is happening. Anyway I'm just thinking wouldn't it just be possible for me to get the PUN 2 addon and alter it to work with Netcode for gameobjects? Is there anything that I'm not thinking of that would make this idea not feasible?
There's a lot of work with getting networking to work with the controller. The PUN add-on is specific to the PUN interface and implementation so not all of the files will transfer to another networking implementation. the PUN add-on will certainly help with getting to know the overall structure, but it's not going to be a direct translation.