AI running navmesh with abilities (ladder up, swimming,...)

I'm finish my beta (or alpha :) on the ladder and swimming abilities. They start on a trigger enter. I was wondering if not only the player but also the AI agents can use them. I mean climb up the ladder and swim on the navmesh. Is that possible?
For instance with the ladder may be a navmesh offlink from the floor to the ceiling (as the trigger is on the ladder)....

EDIT: Ok, done it. Just placing the navmesh Offlink into the triggers that start the Abilities, for example at the start of the zipline.
Just one question, now with the zipline and ladder abilities I don't have any problems as the movements are automatic from one point to another point, so I know the start transform and the end's transform. But for other abilities as swimming, if I need to get the Agent movement destination or the equivalent to the player input, how can I get the navmesh agent (vertical, horizontal) as I would get in the players input (Horizontal, Vertical)...... Thanks. (I'm talking always BD + UCC2)
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Yes, it's possible. The Deathmatch AI Kit had AI that can jump and take an air lift and that was done with off mesh links.