AI Character not moving over any steps


New member
I am now trying to integrate the Ultimate Character Controller to my AI, but I am getting there in trouble with the AI movement.
I am trying to use the NavMeshAgent for the movement using the setDestination function
Is there comming any step, the character does not continue moving.
What do I have to do to configurate the step height and slope of my ai related to the UltimateCharacterController?


Fabian Schobert
Thanks for this thread, but unfortunately it doesn't solve the problem. The character is still not walking over the step.
On normal terrain its working fine, but not in at the steps.
When I create a usually character with navmeshagent all is working fine, so I assume my navmesh is working correct
You should check the step height on the ultimate character locomotion component to ensure it is at least the maximum step height that you've specified for baking the navmesh.
I believe there's a gizmo that the NavMeshAgent shows for its target position - does this show at the expected place or stop before the step?

Also it looks like the step is around a corner - does this happen when going up a step in a straight line? If not try increasing the NavMeshAgent's angular speed.