Agility Pack Hang Cast

I am playing around with the hang ability, especially climbing from a lower ledge to a higher one. As I understand the minimum and maximum start offset variables control how far the second ledge can be. Currently, when i check these values in real time, I noticed that both of these values change on their own. So it does not really matter what I set up in the beginning. For example when the character is on the ground the values are 2 and 3, and when I hang on a ledge, they become 3 and 5. This should mean I cannot move to another ledge closer than 3 units. So a ledge that is 1 unit higher does not work. If I bring down the value in play time I can do the transfer. However, it will keep resetting continuously.

Any idea on how to fix this issue?

Also, if the ledge is too far high, the character will start making sequential climbs, even if there is nothing to climb to, pretty much indefinitely.
This sounds similar to the question by @GearedGeek. If you enable Draw Debug Lines you can visualize where it is doing the cast. Take a look at step 6 on this page:

If you think that it should be working but it isn't and can send me a repro scene that would be great. I haven't had to debug anything with the agility pack yet and am kind of surprised.