Add Roll Backward animation in Roll ability problem


New member
So I just got the Agility add-on. I'm quite surprised the add-on doesn't have the ability to roll backward. Therefore, I decided to add one myself. However, I ran into a problem when the player is successfully rolled backward, but it stays in "Roll" state(I look at the ability in the inspector and the roll ability is still active even though the animation is done ). I just simply just add rollBackward in the enum for the AbilityIntId in the Animator and check if the inputVector.y < 0 then I roll backward otherwise it's going to be forward. I didn't make any big changes to the orginial code, but the one I stated above. The problem can be fixed by just adjust the stop type to button up, but there is an animation delay when I have to hold the input long enough for the animtion to finish, otherwise, the animation only starts halfway. I noticed that the speed in the given animations is 2.75 and the roll-backward animation I added is 1, so if I increase the speed from 2.75 to 4 or something, it will work, but the animation would be to fast. Is there anyway to keep the stop type as "Manual" without having to change the speed of all animations or replacing all the given animations to my animations I bought from the asset store?