Accessing the Restrict Position properties


New member
Can you give me an example or tell me where to find documentation that shows how to modify the Ability / Restrict Position properties?
You can get the ability with UltimateCharacterLocomotion.GetAbility:

And from there you can use the properties to change the ability values.
Thanks for your response. Is there a way to also limit the Y position. I was hoping to use that as an inexpensive way to prevent entry into water.
If you only want to limit the y to prevent the character from falling through the water I would add a collider to the water and treat it like a more solid surface.
Thanks for your response... however, as I stated I want to prevent the player from 'entering' the water. In a map with complex water features, it is not performant or practical to implement vertical collider barriers to water entry. It would on the other hand, seem fairly straightforward to extend the x,z position restrictions to include y as well.
In that case you can create a new ability that restricts the y position and is only active when the character is near water.