2D A* Pathfinding Pro + Behavior Designer Formations


New member
Hey all.

So formations work great but only in a 3D space as evidenced by my units stacking on themselves in 2D. Anyway I can get them to work correctly in 2D? This is a top down game.
The Formations Pack doesn't work with 2D. I have it on my list to add but haven't been able to get to it yet. For a top down game if you have your camera point down the y axis then it'll be like a 3D setup, but you may have other requirements which would prevent that.
Yeah unfortunately I do have other requirements that would make that option untenable. I'm guessing you don't have an ETA for that, probably not super high on the priority list. Hahaha.
I don't have an ETA, right now I am focused on the Omni Animation release. 2D support for the Formations Pack won't be this year though.
Ah, this explains why I haven't been able to get it to work right. I was using Swarm so the fact that the formation component wasn't working wasn't obvious. I was fixated on trying to determine why my leader never moved to the target, I am assuming it's because the formation was never being completed since the objects were trying to get into a 3d position which was ultimately impossible...

You should probably list the lack of 2D support in the Store description, since your Movement asset does work with it, and your screenshots for the product look rather 2d. Being out $15 is a nonissue for me, but having wasted a full day of productivity trying to figure out what I was doing wrong is pretty frustrating. The lack of documentation also makes it extra time consuming in trying to determine if it's a me or you problem, since there's no clear reference point for expected behavior vs configuration aside from trying to reverse engineer your sample scene and just hoping that I am not overlooking or misunderstanding something. In this case, I did not understand that this would not work for 2d movement lol.
Yes, a big warning would have saved me some trouble too. Now, unfortunately, I'm starting to need the plugin; I hope good old Justin gets to work :)