Recent content by Serious_Adam

  1. S

    Runtime Weapon Pickup Scale

    awesome! Thanks
  2. S

    Runtime Weapon Pickup Scale

    I made a runtime pickup of a gun. I'm able to rotate and position it but where do you input the scale? all i see is rotation and postion Thanks
  3. S

    Changing weapons with number keys 1 - 9

    Ok i have solved this by adding another Equip Unequp Item ability and changing the start type to Button Down
  4. S

    Changing weapons with number keys 1 - 9

    I am able to get the weapons from runtime pickup to change with scroll wheel on mouse. I cant get them to change from the number keys. Is this implemented? If so where might i find out how to do this. Thanks!
  5. S

    Runtime Pickup

    Thanks again Justin! always coming to the rescue!
  6. S

    Runtime Pickup

    Alright so, I now have it where the item does not make errors on play. When i press play and walk into a pickup object It will appear inside the Items gameobject (Sometimes) I need something a bit more in detail on how this inventory system works.... In the tutorial it shows the character...
  7. S

    Runtime Pickup

    QUESTION 1 TUTORIAL Ive followed the video and the written tutorial for these . When i put my pickup into the world i get these errors on play . then on stop i get this..... I saw another thread about someone reinstalling unity for the solution Below...
  8. S

    Basic Setup

    Alright! i have figured out a few things ... after im 100% sure ill come back and explain my discoveries on this Basic setup!!Thanks for the response!
  9. S

    Basic Setup

    Thank you for the response but Re reading pages wont help me in this case. I would like to know exactly whats required. Do i need to have a Dry fire State? do i need to have a Fire Idle state? Am i able to create my own with a Idle , Reload and Fire States and that is all? I dont think...
  10. S

    Reloading animation from gun animator issue

    I have a made a new thread with questions ill close this one as Answered and post the link to the other one
  11. S

    Basic Setup

    Hey! I have been spending quite a lot of time trying to make a very basic setup and have not had any success. I would like to reload by lowering the gun and that's it. i don't need a clip animation. I would like to fire the weapon and that's all. I don't need a muzzle flash or shell eject...
  12. S

    Reloading animation from gun animator issue

    I am using a basic controller without any character animator and the assult rifle i am using is using a empty game object as its base object I am unable to get reload to work inside of the assult rifle animator. i dont really know what im doing wrong here if someone can please help me out. its...
  13. S

    Problem with basic controller continuing to fire

    Thanks for the help! after reading through that a few times i realized i was asking the wrong question and looking in the wrong area! I thought Fire had the assault rifle animation on it already but it is empty! so i added a transition from Fire to an actual animation and BOOM it worked! Thanks...
  14. S

    Problem with basic controller continuing to fire

    Hey I asked this question on the discord and was given a response but im not quite sure exactly how to interpret it. if anyne can help me out that would be amazing. "Perhaps this question was answered but i could not find it , I would like to do the most basic setup for a test. In the creating...