Recent content by RamRod

  1. R

    State Configuration at runtime using CharacterBuilder

    @Ace can you show the part of the code that shows what is "stateConfiguration" plz? I'm trying to add States to my Locomotion runtime, since the character is not being animated at all (when I create the character via CharacterBuilder). Thanks
  2. R

    How to set MovementType manually via script

    Okay seems I've been able to move further with this script:
  3. R

    How to set MovementType manually via script

    Hey, I have several character prefabs and created a modular spawn script that instantiates a prefab and adds all the needed components from UCC, but currently it fails on MovementType not being set. I'm trying to set it via: but it won't set it up, seems like it's trying to TryGetValue out of...
  4. R

    Custom Mobile Touch Controls

    Okay I think the other part is in the UltimateCharacterLocomotionHandler, so indeed it gets the data from the PlayerInput via GetAxisRaw that ultimately calls UnityInput and its GetAxis, so I might be able to follow along now, thanks :)
  5. R

    Custom Mobile Touch Controls

    I'm checking the PlayerInput but there's a FixedUpdate that only handles LookVectors, what about movement? Sorry I'm a bit confused here :/
  6. R

    Custom Mobile Touch Controls

    Hi I've decided to create my own mobile controls, how do I connect it to UCC to move and look around with the character (TPS Combat). How do I integrate the joystick to UCC, do I need to use the VirtualJoystick and VirtualTouchpad classes? Thanks