Recent content by MikeW

  1. M

    "Failed to find entry-points" on script reload

    I already have the latest version of Burst installed (1.8.2), but restarting Unity seems to have done the trick. Thanks!
  2. M

    "Failed to find entry-points" on script reload

    I'm getting the below error when adding Behavior Designer to a fresh project. I'm using the 3D URP template with Unity 2021.3.16f1 (the latest LTS release) on a Windows 10 machine. It doesn't *seem* to be causing any issues, but it is a distracting error that appears whenever scripts are...
  3. M

    Tutorial for AI Agents?

    I'm not asking for a tutorial on writing AI. I'm just looking for help integrating it with UCC. The documentation gives some helpful pointers (e.g. agents don't need a Ultimate Character Locomotion Handler or input components), but it has significant gaps. Like what to use as a camera surrogate...
  4. M

    Tutorial for AI Agents?

    For DetectObjectAbilityBase, I'd like to have my agent use the Drive ability. But to do that, I think I need to set DetectedObject in a script. Unfortunately, the setter is protected. Do I need to use a ObjectDetectionMode.Customcast with custom "look" logic for AI agents? Or is there a better...
  5. M

    Tutorial for AI Agents?

    Is there a tutorial for creating AI Agents? I've read the UCC artificial intelligence page, but it doesn't cover how an agent would use actions that inherit from DetectObjectAbilityBase (for example). I'm not ready to get Behavior Designer yet. For now, I'd like to have agents do simple actions...
  6. M

    Parenting Character

    Thanks Justin. Your response pushed me to look elsewhere. And sure enough, the character I built with the AdvancedPeoplePack asset included a "RootMotion" component that transfers the position and rotation from the character to its top-level parent. I removed it and fixed the issue.
  7. M

    Arm IK and HandWeight

    If the problem is with the rig or animation, why isn’t there an issue with the model that isn’t using CharacterIK? Might the CharacterIK be mispositioning the hand target?
  8. M

    Parenting Character

    I want to group UCC characters under a single “level” game object, for organizational purposes. That object would also be the parent of the objects representing the current level. One of the characters is the player, with a First Person Combat camera view type. Unfortunately, this setup causes...
  9. M

    Interactable - how to require the cursor be on the object?

    Is this still true with the latest version of UCC? The Interact ability has "Use Look Position" and "Use Look Direction" properties. When I check both and zero out the Cast Offset, I get the desired behavior (precise interaction with object based on a raycast).
  10. M

    Arm IK and HandWeight

    I've created a simple character and added UCC components with the Character Manager. I'm using a model from the Advanced People Pack 2 asset. I'm having an issue with the hands IK. As you can see in the image below, using the default HandWeight of 1 in the Character IK component moves the arms...
  11. M


    I'm new to Ultimate Character Controller via the UFPS asset, and I'm happy with its flexibility so far. However, I'd like to better understand how to use the various integer identifiers (e.g. the Object ID for ability object detection, or the Ability Index Parameter for linking abilities with...
  12. M

    Wall Walking Ability

    I found a solution, obviously enough with the AlignToGravityZone ability. I subclassed it so it would also update the character's GravityMagnitude.
  13. M

    Wall Walking Ability

    I'm working on prototyping zero gravity movement with UFPS. I'd like to have the player walk on walls or ceilings. Is it possible to change the "up" vector for the camera and character to allow this? I've been looking through the components and example abilities and I don't see anything related...