Recent content by Leorid

  1. L

    Special Melee Animation Requirements?

    using the Third Person Controller; I am working on a game about destroying buildings - with various tools, one of them is a Hammer. The animation I made is quite OK but there are lots of things missing - when the Hammer hits an object, it has to stop at the contact point. I've looked at a lot of...
  2. L

    How to use Inputs in Abilities?

    It actually was the Idle State When entering the elevator, the character is still on the floor and because abilities are sorted by priority in this list and I just added mine without thinking about this, so it was at the very bottom = least priority, the idle ability had a higher priority and...
  3. L

    How to use Inputs in Abilities?

    Ok, seems like this one was on me, because the " && InputIndex != -1" was from the Jump.cs Ability and I don't need it, it's not set. Now they are kind of working, but not reliable - sometimes the jumpAbility or the heightChangeAbility will start, even if my AntiGravLiftAbility is active and I...
  4. L

    How to use Inputs in Abilities?

    I have a anti-gravitation-elevator in my game - as soon as the player enters the trigger, the ability starts. Using the DetectObject ability works fine. I also managed that the player kind of get dragged to the XZ-center (or horizontal center) of my elevator, so the ability is working and...
  5. L

    [BUG + Possible Fix] DoubleJump does not work when running off a ledge

    Great to hear :) I just love how awesome this asset is and how it keeps improving.
  6. L

    [BUG + Possible Fix] DoubleJump does not work when running off a ledge

    Well but when jumpApplied is not set within the CanStartAbility, it will take the wrong path inside AbilityStarted(). Because theres the IF: if (m_JumpApplied) { OnRepeatedJump(); } else { if (!m_JumpEvent.WaitForAnimationEvent ||...
  7. L

    [BUG + Possible Fix] DoubleJump does not work when running off a ledge

    Yes but it should use the repeated jump if he is falling for more than half a second, because when you can jump in mid air, no one expect a condition like "you have to jump to have a second jump" - therefor I wrote this quick fix to match the mechanics with other games out there. ^^ (Destiny 2...
  8. L

    AI strafe while aiming, code change recommendation

    Actually this still had some issues, I had to change the line 79 to: velocity = m_Transform.InverseTransformDirection(m_NavMeshAgent.desiredVelocity); Now it works fine. full Update() method below: public override void Update() { m_InputVector =
  9. L

    [BUG + Possible Fix] DoubleJump does not work when running off a ledge

    The repeated jump does not work when the character does not jump from grounded state. Expected behaviour: Character runs off a cliff -> is in mid air -> user presses the jump button -> Character uses the repeated jump Current behaviour: repeated jump will not be used, unless the Charater jumps...
  10. L

    Physical projectiles - struggling to understand

    Physic Frames in Unity are fixed, so you always have (don't know the exact amount) 50 physic frames per second. If your bullet travels so fast, you don't even need a mesh renderer, you could write a custom raycasting system, that calculates for trajectory, wind and whatever your bullet physics...
  11. L

    Where to put the logic for a grappling hook?

    So I create a new ItemType "GrapplingHookT", then assign it to every Slot1 in the ItemSetManager->ItemSet, so it is equipped with every weapon (weapon on Slot0, grapplingHook on Slot1) - then create new ItemAbilities ShrinkRope (Start Type ButtonDown, StopType ButtonUp, InputName: "Shrink Rope")...
  12. L

    Where to put the logic for a grappling hook?

    Edit: I am using the 3rd person ultimate character controller. Question seems pretty clear I guess - so I want to create a grappling hook, quite like the one from Worlds Adrift So once the grapple is attached, the characters Y axis should face the hooks position. (must be something similar...
  13. L

    AI strafe while aiming, code change recommendation

    Maybe you want to change those lines in your next update, so it is easy to get the enemy AI-character moving in all directions while aiming: at the script "NavMeshAgentMovement" at Line Nr 70, inside the IF with the comment "// Only move if a path exists." From...
  14. L

    AI Aim and Shoot, should be easy but I don't get it

    I was right and I was wrong at the same time xD It is actually super simple - it just has nothing to do with events or getting items themselfs. Sooo - I had a look at the "LocalLookSource" of the enemy, assigned the Head-Bone to the LookTransform (the point from where he should look) and then...
  15. L

    AI Aim and Shoot, should be easy but I don't get it

    Ok, so I have an enemy AI character, built the character with the 3rd person ultimate character controller kit and he is running around, when I move the UnityEngine.NavMeshAgent - thats cool. 1.) Also I can turn on Aiming at start if I set the ability to automatic ... but not inside a script...