Recent content by jinliuu

  1. J

    Rotate With Head doesn't work in new scene

    I think is it the Demo Manager object in the demo scene to make the "Rotate with Head" works in the demo scene for some reasons. The punch animation will cause the camera to move up and down by default, which is what I want . But if I turn off the Demo Manager, the camera will not be able to...
  2. J

    Rotate With Head doesn't work in new scene

    The m_CharacterRotation quaternion is different from the m_CharacterAnchor.rotation quaternion. I've recreate the scene and capture the videos. Did I miss anything?
  3. J

    Rotate With Head doesn't work in new scene

    Nope I always get (0,0,0,1). I am using a blank project btw. If you build a new character using the Nolan prefab and demo animator, I believe you will have the same issue. Can you try it sometimes? Thanks!
  4. J

    Rotate With Head doesn't work in new scene

    I am using the First Person Combat View Type. Here is the setting I have. Also, I am using the Nolan character with the demo animator.
  5. J

    Rotate With Head doesn't work in new scene

    Hi guys, I have a problem with the "Rotate with Head" function in the camera controller. It doesn't work in new scene for some reason. What I did is create a new scene, set up the game manager etc. and add a new character by using the Nolan prefab. However in the demo scene, the rotate with...
  6. J

    Constant Fire Animation Time

    Thanks. I found the full body animator triggers the event.
  7. J

    Constant Fire Animation Time

    Hi Guys, I noticed that the fire animation of my weapon only last for around 0.5 sec and then it will auto transit to the Idle animation. I did set the duration of Use Complete Event to a very large value like 3 but it didn't change anything. I tried to add the Wait For Animation Event in my...
  8. J

    Change Crosshair Quadrant Offset on Aim

    Thanks! Got it work.
  9. J

    Change Crosshair Quadrant Offset on Aim

    I want the cross-hairs from four directions get closer when the character is aiming so I decided to use state system to achieve this. However I cannot find the "Quadrant Offset" Property in Item preset. Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks!
  10. J

    Sword/Katana Attack Animation

    Hi there, I just added a katana weapon for my character and I have a custom attack animation for my hands which I want to use to replace the demo one. I am using the Animator Controller in the demo but I cannot find where to put the first person katana attack animation. For the shootable...
  11. J

    cannot fire pistol

    Just did a test and seems that it is working fine. The gun can shot in the right direction after reloading. Will do more test and see if there is any problem. Thanks anyway!
  12. J

    cannot fire pistol

    Thanks. After set the sensitivity to -1, I can fire the pistol ;)
  13. J

    cannot fire pistol

    Hi Justin, I am trying to add a right pistol to my character. I've already get Assault Rifle and Sniper work(can fire and reload) based on the tutorial you provided. However, when I was trying to add a right pistol by doing the exactly step, the pistol cannot fire. 1. The animator ID has been...
  14. J

    Tutorial Arms Issue

    I was able to fix this issue by deleting my old item collection as well(my character was having the correct item collection in the set manager). Not sure why it happened tho.
  15. J

    First person arms doesn't show up

    Created a new item collection solved this issue. Probably I messed up with the item collections somewhere. Thanks for your help. Really appreciate it!