Recent content by FouriusCraft

  1. F

    Error hang

    hi, does the hang ability only work for objects whose rotation is not tilted? Or should it work, it's just that something hasn't been set? The hanging ability automatically stops
  2. F

    Disable feature

    Hi. How to disable this feature in Hang ability?
  3. F

    How to make local multiplayer?

    Thank you. What if I want 1 camera for 4 players, and each player has different inputs?
  4. F

    How to make local multiplayer?

    Hi. How to make local multiplayer? For example player 1 uses WASD player 2 Arrow keys, Do I have to make 2 cameras? Because when I made 2 players. One player who doesn't refer to the camera will get an error
  5. F

    Input methode

    Okay thanks. . How about using the default input opsive? Have something to know if for example float control = 1 then start ability sprint. Sorry I use google translate
  6. F

    Input methode

    Hi, I'm confused about which method to use when the left stick control enters the outer area, causing the player to sprint instead of walk. What method can I utilize? Any references? For input, I'm using InControl, and I've tried the script below, but I find the code to be poor in quality void...
  7. F

    Ability event ?

    I have a question. What can I do to show or unhide a button in virtual control android when a certain ability, like the ability to hang, can active? For instance, for interactions, we can display the text 'click for interaction' when something can be interacted with. But what I want is, when...
  8. F

    Playmaker Get Set Item Attribute Value Sprite

    hi, can I request get Playmaker Get Set Item Attribute Value for Sprite? or is there another way to get it via playmaker? for example I want to retrieve the icon attribute. the icon is a sprite right?
  9. F

    Issue with Invisible Hands in First-Person Perspective

    Thank you for your response. I appreciate your effort in merging my previous post with this one as they are related. I understand now that the reason for the invisible head was due to creating a camera with both a perspective view instead of just a first-person perspective. I will make sure to...
  10. F

    Issue with Invisible Hands in First-Person Perspective

    Thank you for your response. I tried your suggestion by using the scene manager and then creating a new Unity project from scratch. I followed the video tutorials on YouTube: The first video was about Project and Scene Setup. The second video was about First Person Character Creation. The...
  11. F

    Request for More Video Tutorials for the Ultimate Character Movement Asset

    Hello, I recently purchased the Ultimate Character Movement asset, and I wanted to express my feedback and request for additional video tutorials. As a non-native English speaker, I found it challenging to understand the documentation provided on the website. Although I tried translating the...
  12. F

    Issue with Invisible Hands in First-Person Perspective

    Recently, I purchased the Ultimate Character Movement asset in Unity. I've been following a tutorial on YouTube, but I'm encountering an issue where the character's hands aren't visible when I switch to the first-person perspective. Have I missed a step or is there something else I need to do to...