Recent content by ExqueezeMe

  1. E

    [Bug][Unity 2020.3.4f1][BD 1.6.8] Frequent Editor Freezes in BinaryDeserialization.LoadField()

    I've gotten a minimal repro scene, and am sending it your way now. Thanks!
  2. E

    [Bug][Unity 2020.3.4f1][BD 1.6.8] Frequent Editor Freezes in BinaryDeserialization.LoadField()

    I'll try to get a minimal reproducing version working tomorrow to send to you.
  3. E

    [Bug][Unity 2020.3.4f1][BD 1.6.8] Frequent Editor Freezes in BinaryDeserialization.LoadField()

    I've been using Behavior Designer for at least a year and a half now, and just recently started getting freezes in the Unity editor after updating to the latest version (1.6.8). My Unity version is 2020.3.4f1. The editor never recovers and must be force quit. By pausing via debugger, I can see...
  4. E

    Conditional Abort on Parallel Selector Node

    I'm having an issue with the parallel selector node and conditional aborts, in the following behavior tree: In this part of the tree, if the find cover tasks succeeds, the agent should move to the found cover, which works fine. FindCover can run over the course of multiple frames, so I use a...
  5. E

    [Bug] Material doesn't have property _MainTex

    The surface system seems to be causing some exceptions when the materials don't have a _MainTex property (using custom shaders). On SurfaceManager line 683 there is the check: if (material.HasProperty(s_MainTextureID)) { return null; } But it seems to me that it should be the opposite (if...
  6. E

    Unconstrained Character and Camera Rotation

    I'm making an FPS where the player flies with a jetpack and can look in all directions. I want them to be able to control the camera using typical fighter jet controls (the camera should always rotate around local axes instead of the world Y axis, and should be able to go upside-down. I also...