Recent content by Cetix

  1. C

    3rd Person - Top Down - move and rotate

    Thanks again for your anwer. I'm not moving in look direction. I already move independently of the look direction ("Relative Camera Movement" in Ultimate Character Locomotion is enabled). But here is the problem. If I move the mouse around the character while he moves in one direction (lets say...
  2. C

    3rd Person - Top Down - move and rotate

    Hi Justin, thanks for you answer. No, my character must look at the mouse position (what he is already doing). If I press D for moving to the right and rotate the character (by moving the mouse around the character) he should stay on the x-axis, but in my case, he also moves to y-axis (as you...
  3. C

    3rd Person - Top Down - move and rotate

    Hi Justin, thanks for you answer. I've made a short video: I move only in one direction (right). When I rotate the mouse around the character he moves diagonal, but I want that the character should still move to the right (and not diagonal).
  4. C

    3rd Person - Top Down - move and rotate

    Hi, I'm using the Third Person Controller (V 2.1.4) with Top Down view and Top Down as movement type. I've also enabled "Realtive Camera Movement" and the Cursor is also enabled (so the character looks to the mouse position). If I move in one direction (e.g. west) and rotate the mouse around...