Which schema to use to create a rpg style menu like FF15


New member

I am trying to create a main menu like the one of FF15 with many different submenus opening inside the same layout. Which schema is best for this? Classic or RPG? I am not using grids and the windows open fullscreen exactly like ff15 and other similar games and you can't move or select the panels. Also it plays only with a game controller (I am using Rewired). I will probably have to resize and move the elements within the prefabs to make this work and the UI needs to be able to open the quest journals from Quest Machine. I use UCC too and the integrations are done.

What would be the best and fastest way to start this type of menu with the UI designer and inventory system?

I would assume the Classic schema is closer to what you want, the RPG schema is more focused on mouse navigation and drag&drop between panels.

Even though, you'll need to write quite a bit of custom scripts to achieve a menu the like of FF15.
If you want subpanels, I would advise you to look at the code in the Crafting or Shop Menu which both use multiple sub panels. I think that will give you a good idea of how to get started.

Also make sure to read the documentation, those two pages are probably the most important when making custom UI, although I recommend reading everything:
Thanks I will look into those. I just saw too that the doc explain how to render a character in the menu like FF15 and genshin. Not too sure yet how to fully animate them from a render texture... but the base seem to be there ;)