Using Item Abilities Simultaneously


New member
If you use slot 0 and then use slot 1 while slot 0 is still in use, the slot 0 item state index trigger is set again. Is this intentional?
The Item State Index Trigger will only trigger if there is a change in the Item State parameter. My guess is that one of the values is changing quickly and you don't realize it. On the Animator Monitor you can log the parameter changes in order to see what values it changes to.
Yes, slot0 changes to the same values when I use slot1. It does not do this when I use slot0 by itself.

After looking more at the logs, it seems slot1 is resetting both slot0 and slot1 on complete. It's a simple empty with a melee action so I don't think it should do this?
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It sounds like one of your abilities is changing the value for the slots. In the demo scene when I use dual pistols and fire the left pistol on Slot1ItemStateIndexChange gets set to true. I'll tag @Sangemdoko to see if he has any tips for how to debug this other than to insert breakpoints in the code and determine what is causing the issue.
In the scene I sent to support, I have no abilities other than Equip Verifier, the only item abilities are use slot 0, use slot 2, and equip unequip, and the only items are the body item and the other item which is an empty with a melee action.

Additionally, went into the demo scene and changed the shield to a melee weapon, and equipped both sword (slot0) and shield (slot1). The same behavior I described is observed when I use the melee shield while the sword is swinging: the sword (slot0) trigger is set when the shield (slot1) is used. Using the shield (slot1) is not mapped to aim so that is not triggering slot0.
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I looked at your project and the reason why it's being triggered is because the slots are being force updated, due to this comment in SimpleBaseTrigger.StartItemUse:

// Using Force Change true.
// This makes sure the weapon isn't stuck within the Use Animation if the transitions are set properly.
// If your item gets stuck while spamming the button, add a transition using the SlotXItemStatChange Trigger.
I'll get more info from @Sangemdoko on if he remembers why it was set to true.
Updated on this: the parameters were forced true to prevent the item use from getting stuck. It has been awhile since that code was in place so I've been testing it and set UpdatedItemAbilityAnimatorParameters to false. So far it has been working well but I am going to keep playing with it. The codebase has changed considerably since then so it may no longer be necessary.