Unable to add properties to the preset "Add Property" greyed out


New member
Hello! :)
I've checked the documentation and watched a video about states and presets but I'm unable to assign one to my Third Preson Perspective Item component.
Add property is grayed out and when I click on the preset sometimes throws out null reference exception in console..
Am I missing something? Thanks!
The Third Person Perspective item doesn't have any properties that can be modified at runtime. All of the properties require a local character instance and cannot be stored in a scriptable asset. I'll prevent that error from happening.
Thanks for the reply Justin, I'm trying to arrange a proper shotgun position in aim state, what's the other workaround for this if there's any?
You're referring to the non-dominant hand IK? You can always have that set, and then adjust the weights on the character IK component using the state system depending on when you want the hands to use that location.