UI elements can be Pooled?

I've got a notification script that instances UI notifications. Apparently works with ObjectPool.Instantiate / Destroy (not sure if is pooling), but if I add the prefabs into the Object Pool Script it doesn't work.
I actually have a problem with pooling UI elements too. I tried this:
GameObject temp = ObjectPool.Instantiate(m_ButtonPrefab, transform);
//returns false
I haven't digged anymore than that. I'll look into it more if I have some time
Ok I figured it out, at least for my mistake.

First of all I realised that I wasn't using the ObjectPool instantiate method... Because ObjectPool does not have a Instantiate(GameObject, Transform) method. But since ObjectPool inherits monobehavior it uses the Object.Instantiate(GameObject,Transform) method, which is the reason I did not get an error.

So to fix the snippet above you need to make sure you are using the correct methods (you have the choice between a few). The one I use is:

public static GameObject Instantiate(GameObject original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent)

Here is the new snippet:
GameObject temp = ObjectPool.Instantiate(m_ButtonPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation, transform);
//returns true

When removing the object I get a warning because the UI gameobject uses RectTransform. The warning says that I should use the SetParent method instead of assigning a parent using the "=" operator.

I would just recommend you to do two little tweaks to the ObjectPool class.

1) Add the Instatiate.(GameObject original, Transform parent) override

public static GameObject Instantiate(GameObject original, Transform parent)
    return Instance.InstantiateInternal(original, parent.position, parent.rotation, parent);

2) Change all the parent assignments statements to "SetParent()" instead of "parent =".
Mainly in the DestroyLocal and ObjectFromPool method

Thank you