Trying to not let an attack interrupt movement


New member
I have the below behavior tree for my player. Individually, Input: Attack and Input: Movement work fine (i.e. if I click one or the other). However, I want to be able to attack while moving.

When holding a move button, if I click an attack input then the player stops in his tracks and then immediately starts moving again instead of staying smoothly moving. Now, looking at my behavior tree this makes sense as Input Attack is aborting Input Movement. I tried to put a parallel (also tried a parallel selector) above them both and had them both feeding off the same parallel but nothing fires (the parallel had a lower priority abort). I also tried putting repeaters above each (after the parallel) and still nothing happens when I click any input.

How can I make it so each of the inputs can run in parallel? I am probably messing up which composites and aborts to use.

Using a parallel task is correct. You should not use the parallel task with conditional aborts as the behavior is unexpected since they are both essentially doing the same thing. What did your tree look like when you used a parallel task?