TPS shooting while driving a vehicle


New member
Hello! I picked up UCC this past weekend and have been loving playing around with it! Amazing product! I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction with a specific aiming/movement controller setup. Any help is appreciated!

I am trying to prototype TPS shooting while driving a vehicle, like in this GTA San Andreas mod

My understanding is that I would need to...
  • Decouple/remove the movement controller from "Nolan"
  • Place "Nolan" in the driver seat
    • Thus the character could still use the "aiming" part of the UCC controller
  • Hook-up the car to a more robust car controller for "movement"
Is this the correct workflow in concept? Or am I way off-base?

I am using Realistic Car Controller (which I am loving so far!) to handle to car's movement, so I am hoping that I can somehow "combine" the two to get RCC to handle the movement and UCC to handle the aiming.

Any suggestions at how I get started with this unique setup? I have skimmed over the documentation but couldn't find anything about this topic, but I might not be looking for the correct terms. Is this situation of multiple controllers known as something else? Or is there a better way to implement this?

I read the Stationary/Vehicle Weapons thread but it doesn't seem like I should be using the car as an ability, but maybe I am misunderstanding the extent of abilities.

Please let me know if this doesn't make sense or if there are any questions. I'm really excited about UCC and this prototype I am working on, so hopefully I can get a nudge in the right direction. Thanks so much for any help/tips/advice. Cheers!
You basic understanding is correct. The movement is controlled by the car controller, while the character still might be aiming/shooting. You may look into the horse ride ability, as well. Here you can ride the horse, and still use a weapon. It is probably a good basis for building your own ability combining parts of the ride, and drive ability
In addition to what Christian said, I actually think that there will be minimal modifications necessary. By default the drive ability disables Slot 0/1 under the General options of the ability - we did this simply because we don't have shooting animations while driving. If you enable these two slots for the ability then you should be good to go - you just need to make sure you have the animations added to the controller.

I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying UCC though - once you feel like you have enough of an understanding in how it works I'd appreciate it if you can write a review :)
you just need to make sure you have the animations added to the controller.
Hello Justin and Christian, thanks so much for the info! Can you give me more information about the above?

I just want to be clear on what you are telling me. Do I need to find/create my own "driver leaning out the window shooting" animation for this to work? I know I will need this eventually but was hoping to skip as much animation/art to get a prototype working. Sorry if I am coming off as obtuse, just making sure I understand.

Another question I have is why isn't the reticle showing up when I use your suggested implementation? I can shoot (not sure if the bullets are hitting anything or not) and drive (shooting while driving is making the physics go wonky).

Any ideas on how I can get a reticle to display?

Thanks so much! I will definitely write a glowing review!
I just want to be clear on what you are telling me. Do I need to find/create my own "driver leaning out the window shooting" animation for this to work? I know I will need this eventually but was hoping to skip as much animation/art to get a prototype working. Sorry if I am coming off as obtuse, just making sure I understand.
Yes, I guess for prototyping typing you don't need a specific shooting animation but you will need to adjust the transitions in the animator controller to allow for upper body shooting while in a vehicle.

Another question I have is why isn't the reticle showing up when I use your suggested implementation? I can shoot (not sure if the bullets are hitting anything or not) and drive (shooting while driving is making the physics go wonky).
Any ideas on how I can get a reticle to display?
I think on the CrosshairsMonitor there is a state which hides the crosshairs when the drive ability is active. Take a look at this page for an overview of the state system - it's extremely useful:

Thanks so much! I will definitely write a glowing review!