Teleporting while on moving platform


New member

I'm using a moving platform to move an airship with player aboard (locomotion.SetMovingPlatform(ShipPlatform))

But I need to be able to teleport the platform with character on it. If i move the platform itself (Platform.position = (x, x, x)) the character initially moves with it but the next frame jumps back to where it were before, and the next frame is back on to the platform. Seems there is some internal steps making this dance with the character locomotion.

Trying locomotion.SetPosition along with platform teleporting makes weirds thigs too (there is some platform code at SetPosition method of the character locomotion, as i saw).

So, can this be achieved without modifyng the controller source code?

Thanks in advance!
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When you call SetPosition/SetRotation it will reset the moving platform values. When you teleport your platform, you should first call SetPosition/Rotation on the character and then immediately set the platform again. This will ensure the character/camera don't lose track of the platform.