Switching To Bow


New member

First time post here!

I should preface that I'm very new to Unity and the FPS Controller.

Following along with the online tutorials, Shootable Weapon Setup (Assault Rifle, Bow).

In an empty scene, I use the item manager to create the bow and bowarrow consumable. The "item" object is created under left hand, on the Nolan character. The item set manager shows set 0 and 1 (one containing the rifle, the other containing the bow) on the Nolan character.

However, no binds allow me to switch between the bow and the AR. If i manually remove the Item set containing the Assault Rifle, the character will start with the bow. I assume it has something to do with creating the item in an empty scene and not in the Demo Scene. But, I'm not entirely sure where in the documentation to reference. I have equipped a bow in the FPS demo scene, examined the character inventory and weapon components, then switched back to the empty scene to visually inspect the components in hopes of spotting the difference to no avail.

Hoping someone has had this issue and can point me in the right direction :)

Any suggestions or input would deeply appreciated!

It sounds like you have the bow item setup correctly, but do you have the Equip Previous and Equip Next Item Abilities added? If the Add Standard Abilities option was checked within the Character Builder it would have added these abilities.
It sounds like you have the bow item setup correctly, but do you have the Equip Previous and Equip Next Item Abilities added? If the Add Standard Abilities option was checked within the Character Builder it would have added these abilities.

Yes, the abilities are present under the character locomotion component.
Not sure why. In play mode both item sets show. However, when leaving play mode I noticed only one displayed under item set manager (the bow). I added the assault rifle back to the Item set manager and made sure "Enabled" and "Can Switch to" were enabled for both (I didn't see these before).
Its working fine now. Thanks for your quick response! It's truly appreciated.