Sustain fire pose animation walking freely (no aim)


Hope you can help,

I am trying get my player out of the cycle of lowering or raising weapons during fire. I had a custom set up where bullets spawn from centre of camera I'm now changing the method to bullets firing from weapons. It's working well but first bullet can drift left on the fire animation phase (due to my custom set up). I'm trying a resolution set up where the player always points the gun when walking freely so when firing bullets they maintain an uninterrupted forward direction rather than slightly to the left on first shot. I could create a fire button delay, but I'm using my own fire method too and struggled. Is there a way the player can always walk freely with the gun fire position held, to avoid transition to fire state (avoid an aim state / look when walking) I tried with auto enabled but this forces a constant aim state, which is not what I want. Basically trying to get a set up where the player walks naturally but with the constant pointing gun rather than carry, animation (not apply aim look) until unequipped? Below the player is holding the rifle and aiming. Just Looking to do the same with a free walking pose?

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This sounds like you can just replace the animator states so the weapon is always aiming. Nothing on the character controller side of things need to be changed.
Thanks that worked perfectly;

Select, Arms layer;

Assault rifle tab
Select 'Assault Rifle Idle' animation
Replace and drag in 'Assault Rifle Fire' animation.

So now I choose either having a set up where there is a constant pointing forwards fire position or
have the gun drawn before initial fire shot.
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