Single Hand Aim for Weapons

Hey so as the title states, I would like to achieve a single hand aim with some of my guns. To be more specific I want my character to aim his pistol with one arm out, kind of like a duel stance. It would also be nice to have him be able to hold a two handed gun, then pick an object up with his non dominant hand and still be able to shoot the rifle/2 hand gun while holding it in one hand.

So that's the idea but for now I just want to start simple with aiming and shooting a pistol with one hand and the other hand empty.
So far I have the animations I need but it seems that the controller and IK component are setup for both hands being used all the time as my one handed animations have the left hand all over the place. I think this is caused by the IK component trying to place the left hand on the gun as well.

So how would I go about getting the left hand to ignore the gun and either just hang out or go along with the actual animations without IK getting involved.
I've tried the Hands weight in the IK component but that effects both hands. Also I've tried the non dominant IK transform fields on the Perspective Item Component and It doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.

If it helps I'm using TPC with UIS.

This sounds similar to the melee weapon setup where there is only one hand holding the weapon while aiming. This is accomplished purely with animations and setting the hand IK weight - take a look at the melee weapon presets for what settings it uses.