Shootable Weapon Sensitivity


New member
I keep running into the Look Sensitivity error when building weapons and can't quite figure out the root cause. The first-person weapons appear to be facing forward and I have fiddled extensively with the fire location/orientation, but the only thing that works is setting the sensitivity to -1. When the weapon does shoot, the bullet impacts are dead on, so what gives? I have watched the videos and read the docs repeatedly for hints, but feel like I must be missing something obvious.
Specifically, "The ShootableWeapon is unable to fire because of the Look Sensitivity on the ShootableWeaponProperties" despite facing forward.
The facing direction of the item is based on its forward direction. During runtime, select the item's visible object and check if its local forward direction (z axis) is facing in the same direction that the character is facing (i.e. the direction of the character's look source).
My guess is that the rotation that you set is not in the forward direction. You can adjust the sensitivity on the Shootable Weapon component.