Setting up character for network sync with TNet3


New member
I bought the FPS Controller asset some days ago and got the basic hang of it down so next I would like to integrate input sync and other concepts needed for multiplayer. I checked the documentation but the "Multiplayer" page only mentoins using the Photon add-on which I don't want to buy since I won't be using Photon. It also mentoins an "abstraction layer for a variety of networking implementations" but I couldn't find anything else about that. Is it only included with the Photon add-on?

I'm familiar with using TNet so the only things I need to know about the character controller are:
What kind of setup should I use for the player character and do I need multiple prefabs (one visible locally and other one that is visible to other players?)​
What is the proper way to spawn the player character (can I just use TNet's instantiate functions or need something else?)​
Which component should be used for input sync (should I use the AI system for remote players?)​
What else do I need to sync besides input​
I have used TNet on a simple, self-made player controller before so i'm pretty familiar with the concepts, just need some information on how to properly use networking in this FPS Controller without the Photon add-on.
I purchased the PUN2 addon as a template for a TNet integration. This went very smooth and had most converted quickly.

Highly recommend using the PUN2 addon as reference.
The abstraction layer is included in the asset - if you do a search for ULTIMATE_CHARACTER_CONTROLLER_MULTIPLAYER you'll see references to it. The PUN Add-on defines this symbol and you'll likely want to as well.

From there it's implementing the interfaces under the Networking folder. There is a lot to making the character fully networkable though so it'll take some time. As @devomage said I do recommend getting the PUN add-on even if you don't plan on using PUN because that will make things a lot easier to see a real implementation of everything.

Good luck!
Yeah I got the PUN addon now and so far the conversion has been going pretty smoothly.
Great and clean assets to work with!