Setting up a Character skeleton correctly


We've been using Nolan during our development but we've finally got our own Humanoid to use We used Fuse/Mixamo and have it imported into Unity.

However, when I compare the imported models game objects (e.g. mixamorig:Hips and all of its children) they don't have any Collider/Rigidbody/Character Joint components attached. Should I run through the Unity Ragdoll Wizard or something to get those added automatically or do I need to do it manually?

I also set the layer to SubCharacter for everything except the main parent (that has the capsule collider). Is there anything else I need to do to make sure our character works well with UCC?

Oops, sorry, I thought that I had answered this :(

Glad you got it working. Yeah, for any characters you'll want to run it through the Character Manager and then have that automatically add all of the scripts.