RPG Camera not working


I am testing the different camera/character presets, and adventure and combat work great but when I setup with RPG there is no camera control or rotation whatsoever during runtime when moving the mouse or when using a controller. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I am using the rewired integrations and everything appears to be setup correctly as its working with the other styles. I am using v2.1.4, I also tried setting up a completely new Unity project (2019.1.4f1) adding only UCC and Rewired and got the same result. Also wanted to note that I am removing the Unity Input from the character controller and replacing with Rewired Input, its only the RPG camera that is doing this. Update: Also tried in a new project without Rewired still had same result.
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This thread should help:

I read what you wrote but am still a little confused, im not seeing anything in the Locomotion component being called Alt Horizontal before or during runtime, since I am using rewired I dont understand if you are wanting me to change something in rewired or rename something in the Locomotion settings, or something else?
You'll want to rename the Horizontal Input Name on the Ultimate Character Locomotion Handler component. You may need to also add this mapping to the Rewired Input Manager - I mapped the Alt Horizontal axis to Q and E.