Replacing Input Manager with Hinput Pro


New member
Hello! Hope you are doing OK. I would like to know what and where to modify if I want to replace all Input.GetButton(...) with a custom input solution. The asset I'd like to use is named HInput Pro and it works in a similar way like the classic input manager, but this one includes static methods for accessing specific gamepads and has vibration support! Kinda like a hidden gem in the store. I've seen in the documentation that there is a Unity Input class that I can extend, but I dont really know how. However, if Im able to do so, I could in theory create my own Unit Input class using the methods from HInput, swap the Unity Input component in my Opsive's third person character and that should do the trick, right? Id like to get some guidelines on this, or am I complicating my life?

FYI: HInput uses the new Input System, I know there is an integration package available for Opsive, but as many others, I've run into several issues even following the instructions (153 errors after completion of the steps). I can keep working on my project using both input systems (Input Manager & Input System), this way I can build a new Unity Input class and make use of the static functions in HInput.
My Opsive third person character controller version is: 2.4.4
Unity version is: 2019.4.28f1

thank you!
You will want to subclass the PlayerInput component, similar to the new input system integration works.