Puppet Master integration for UCC3 has syncing and jittering issues and should be available on downloads page


Active member
Hello, here are a comment and video I posted on the Root Motion forum :


The ragdoll seems to be jittering and not in sync with the dummy, and without the gizmos it results in some sort of ghosting effect. I suspect it may be related to some of the physics and interpolation changes in UCC3 but that's only a guess, I'm not even familiar with RootMotion's code.

Also as I wrote I think the integration should be available on Opsive's downloads page, Final Ik's integration is already there so I don't see why Puppet Master's shouldn't be, some people might even ignore it exists because of that !

Edit : because of OBS the framerate is limited to 60, I get this issue at 60 and 300fps.
As @DankP3 pointed out the jitter can be removed by setting the Animator's Update Mode to Normal, which requires commenting this bit of code out in the Start void in Puppet :

            if (puppetMaster.targetAnimator.updateMode != AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics)
                Debug.LogWarning("Warning: Switching Animator.updateMode to AnimatePhysics!");
                puppetMaster.targetAnimator.updateMode = AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics;

Once that is done, the body no longer jitters, but two other issues remain : the ragdoll gizmos still keep jittering when moving, which I don't think is a good thing, and most importantly the camera interpolation issue resurfaces between the moment the Puppet ability is activated and about the moment the character starts getting up - during that span of time it feels like playing at 60 fps again ! I'm sorry but this will need another look.
The Puppet Master integration is maintained by the Puppet Master developer. I have an open question to him and haven't heard back recently. I would try contacting him for support. This is also why it we do not host the integration.
Okay, well as you see I've already left two comments on his forum. I've also mentioned that I'm still waiting for a physics test package from you to send to Unity, if there's a physics issue on UCC's or Unity's side he needs to know about it.
I'm personally not using Puppet Master in my current project so I don't need a fix asap but one is still needed, as Puppet Master offers some animation and ragdoll features expected from modern character controllers.