PUBG Mobile-like slots


New member
I would like to ask if it is possible to achieve such slots using standard tools of the inventory asset without additional code? (UCC + Inventory)
In the picture it is highlighted as "Runtime slots"

As for backpack slots, I think the best way to use Equipment ItemViewSlotContainer (I think I'll need ItemSlotSet with 2 primary slots. Is it possible?)
But how can I make slots at the bottom and duplicate what's in backpack slots? I researched Hotbars, but how to make them duplicate what is in the equipment?

Thank you
I haven't played PUBG so I could be wrong.
But what you refer as Backpack Slots and Runtime Slot are the same are they not?

In our system The interface and what you have in your inventory is completely distinct.
So you can have one ItemSlotCollection. And show it in Two ItemSlotCollectionView (aka equipment panel) at the same time.

So your runtime slots and your backpack slots can use ItemSlotCollectionViews and simply draw the items differently by switching the ItemViewCategorySet.

The only part that will require custom code is the attachments that we see in the backpack items. UCC and UIS do not have an attachment system built in. There are many ways you can go about implmenting that, but they all require some custom code.

The other thing that will require some custom code is the pickup. Currently pickups add an item to the Inventory. If the "new item priority" is set in the itemSlotCollection then one item will be removed to make space. But it will always be the one in the first slot, not the currently equipped item.
So you'll need to make a custom pickup to define that the equipped item is the one to remove to add the new item.

If there are any features you believe should be part of UCC or of UIS, you can make a feature request in another post. We'll add it to the TODO list. And if enough people agree with your request we'll move it up in priority.