Precisely Adjust fire rate on shootable weapons

Hi, I have some weapons for a game which have their fire rate balanced as Rounds Per Minute.
Now, I can convert Rounds Per minute into Use Rate using the formula 1/(RPM/ 60) = Use Rate.
If I take that use rate and divide it by 2, then use that number in the Use Rate and the Use Complete Event Delay, I get something which shoots a bit faster than the math says it should.


So I need to go adjust the values manually until I get something a bit closer to what I want.

This seems like a convoluted way to set a weapon's fire rate... So I created this post to ask if there is a better way. It's entirely possible I missed a fire rate value in one of the modules, or simple am misunderstanding how to use the Use Rate and Use Complete Event Duration fields to set an exact fire rate.
The weapon will fire within FixedUpdate so that's likely why it's not the exact rate that you are expecting. You will need to account for the fixed timestep that you are using when determining the number of rounds per minute that you'd like to fire.