Odd behavior when selecting scroll bar's element.


New member


Weird behave when I select an element in scroll view. It feels like scroll keep changes to default when I select an element. This appears on every menu(like Item categories, crafting categories) when it has many elements that is enough to show scroll. I have created new clean project for test this, and act same.

Tested version: 1.2.4, 1.2.6
Unity version: 2020.3.24f1 LTS
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I was able to fix it by completely changing how the scroll offseted items are drawn in the list.
Unfortunatly we will most likely be unable to release an update next week and the problematic part of the code is within a dll, so I can't send you the individual file fix. so I must ask you to wait a little bit for the next update to release.