Items Being Overwritten


New member
Hello Opsive Team,

I have created a basic inventory setup (based upon a Clone of the UCC Demo Integration Database) where the player can drag and drop from an Item Shape Grid into an Equippable slot. This is all working fine (I can move items in and out), however, when I drag and drop a second weapon of the same category into an Equippable slot which already contains an item, the pre-existing item is overwritten. The desired state is to have the items swap places. Where can I look to resolve this behaviour? Thanks in advance!
Edit: It looks like the item being dropped is the one being deleted - it is not being equipped by the player.
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Have you seen this video tutorial? (it is not the character integration but it should help you understand shape grids and equipment panels)

If an item is being dropped it is perhaps because you have some sort of broken restriction on your Inventory that rejects an item incorrectly.
Are you using a restriction object on your inventory?

If you have a Group Item Restriction object, remove it and replace it with an Item Restriction Set Object. You can read about both here:

I hope that helps
Thank you for your response! I have watched the videos a few times now, trying to pick out relevant bits. I did not have any restrictions set, but a temporary fix appeared to be on the character under Inventory - Item Collections - Return Overflow. This at least prevents items from being deleted when dropped on an existing item. Getting them to properly Swap is the next objective - is this a function of the SmartTwoWayMove, or something else?
That's odd, normally you wounldn't want to set the overflow to true for the equipping item collection.
Does your Shape Grid have enough space to fit your equipped item that needs to be unequipped? That's the only thing that I can think of that would prevent you from getting the item back. causing an overflow.
Perhaps some screenshots or a video (you can use might help me diagnose the issue.