Is Behaviour tree able to receive and process events come outside script without control?


New member
I am send this event from outside Behaviour Tree and as the logs sequence, just one time the event has received. My AI that I am trying to transfer have a behaviour oriented by Action, so I need to do every check after this Action be invoked. Its like I am send event but BT is not ready to receive.

The image logs mean:

1 - Action received in script thats subscribed
2 - Send event from external script to BT
3 - Show Log (Security Event Processed) - This log had to appear every time that Send event is called

Thx =D

After remove abort type working. Whats mean this aborts? I saw that to receive event you need to use, but who abort? Me or the BT?

Aborts work by triggering when the status changes. This means going from failure to success or success to failure. My guess is that the initial version didn't work because the event is received one frame, the task changes status to success and the abort triggers. The next frame the event is not there anymore so the status then changes to failure and the abort triggers again.
Yeah you are absolutely right, my decision was happen after the Behaviour Tree Action Trigger frame(In old code work because of sequence execution), so I did a new code that do decision before hit the point(I mean the point of my old code), so when the BT branch come in Action the decision was made and everything work =D

**This means going from failure to success or success to failure**

It's very clear now how abort works! Thx =D