Inspector Properties Missing


New member
I started creating a game about 6 months ago, using the Ultimate Character Controller. Some time last month I took a break from Unity to work on some new models for it. When I came back to Unity, all of the inspector properties were gone.

For example, when I click on the character, all the components assigned to the character are listed in the inspector, however, when I click the little dropdown arrow to access the properties, the only thing I see is the name of the script associated with that component. See image.

I do not know how to re-create this issue. One day they were there, now they are not.

Does anyone know what would cause the properties to no longer show up? I have tried everything I can think of to resolve the issue, and nothing has worked. I am almost to the point of deleting everything and starting over.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Generally when that happens it indicates that you are getting an error and Unity can't compile, but the inspector normally shows a message about this. If you aren't getting any errors I would try deleting the library folder and letting Unity reimport everything.
It was compiling without errors, until I deleted the library folder and had Unity re-import everything. Now there are hundreds of errors. I started reading through the script errors to hopefully find a pattern, however, nothing sticks out. I will likely try re-importing one more time, just in case Unity forgot something.
Thank you for the response.