Hooking UI buttons


Hey, I am having some issues trying to hook the UI buttons of the save/load menu to Pixelcrusher's save system. I tried to look at the Save Menu script, although I can't say I could understand what was going on entirely. I need the buttons to work with the static methods PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.SaveGameToSlot and PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.LoadGameFromSlot. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.
You wish to use the UIS Save Menu to save using the Dialogue System?

Check out the "Save Menu" and "Save Grid" scripts.
I think the easiest would be for you to duplicate those two scripts and change the the code to use the Pixel Crushers save system instead of ours.
Then in your save UI replace the components by your own custom ones.

I hope this helps