[Feature Request] A script that allows for us to rotate shape items in inventory


New member
Hi Opsive,

I've been having fun exploring the shape inventory system and I think it is quite powerful! One thing I would request for a future release however is the ability to rotate shape items in the inventory (i.e. rotate their ItemShape so you can try and fit more stuff). It would be helpful for the game I'm working on, but I've seen a lot of games that allow you to do this in order to maximize gameplay in the inventory screen. I can imagine the input being different for different games, but in my mind it'd be useful to bind it to the arrow keys or the scroll wheel.

Hey ElRafaVaz,
Thank you for the request. I will add it to the list.

Unfortunatly I have to say that this is something quite complicated to do and not many people using UIS will take advantage of it. So it is quite low priority.

If you really need it for your current game, you may want to look into implementing it yourself or have someone implement it for you.