Error when installing UCC integration with UIS


Unity 2021.3.4 LTS
First installed UCC, then UIS, and then the integration package.
This gives me the following error in the console:
Problem detected while importing the Prefab file: 'Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Integrations/UltimateInventorySystem/Demo/Prefabs/UI/Item View For Shop.prefab'.
The file might be corrupt or have missing nested Prefabs. See details below.
Prefab instance problem: Currency UI Small (Missing Prefab with guid: d44f53355a431ae4891c70a9b85cc7c9)
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We'll update the package as soon as we can.

Meanwhile you can fix this issue in your project without having to wait


Replace the missing prefab by a Multi Currency View Small prefab and set it in the CurrencyItemView component.
There are multiple "Multi Currency View Small" prefabs. Use the one from the classic schema (although any would work so it is up to you)