Equip Unequip & Item Set Manager

Is there a way to assign multiple weapons to the same Item Slot of the Item Set Manager and it will switch between each time you press it? For example if you have pistol and shotgun, both mapped to "up" (Equip First Item), so if you press up the first time, it will switch to pistol, press it again and it will switch to shotgun (assuming your character has these items in their inventory) etc?

On keyboard we can immediately equip any weapon by using the 0 - 9 number keys (as default) set by the Equip Unequip Ability. On a controller of course, this is not possible. What I was thinking of doing was having the d-pad to assign a weapon, for example "up" equips pistol, "down" equips shotgun - this is easily doable. The problem there is, you are limited to just four items - the only way to select other items is by using the Equip Next / Equip Previous inputs and cycling through your inventory, which could be quite cumbersome for a character carrying many items.
This isn't built in but you could create a new ability which does that. Your new ability would call EquipUnequip.StartEquipUnequip(index) where index is the index of the ItemSetManager element that you want to switch to.