Data Binding on ShootableWeapon properties?


New member
I'm trying to easily update some UI labels when various properties of ShootableWeapon change (DamageAmount & Spread).

I've noticed though that UltimateCharacterController doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface though, so there doesn't look to be an easy way to figure out when these values of have changed. That means I would likely have to check on update for changes or implement some wrapper on my end. Am I missing some event or method of getting these values changes?

Just wanted to double-check before I went about implementing my own solution. I'm also welcome to any suggestions you all might have for getting this functionality on my end.

Thanks in advance!
You can have a look at the ItemMonitor that updates the UI on item and ammo changes. It uses events for updating the information. How do you change your properties. If you are using the state system, you know when to update the information, and you don't have to check every update.