custom shared variables not appearing


New member
mabey i am doing this wrong but id like to neaten the inspector a bit by having groups of variables by creating a custom class.
this works but i cant use those variables on my nodes. for example id assume the floats would appear in there as an option
i have also tried settig them as shared variables
public class femaleVars
    public bool Female;
    public float timeToGiveBirth = 5;
    public bool pregnant;
    public GameObject BabyPrefab;
public class femaleSettings : SharedVariable<femaleVars>
    public static implicit operator femaleSettings(femaleVars value) { return new femaleSettings { Value = value }; }

The Wander Rate is a float so that dropdown will only show all of the SharedFloats. There isn't a way to encapsulate a variable type in another variable type and have it appear in the dropdown.